This is my second song with Anup. Today’s song is Ashaiyen from the movie Iqbal. This is an accoustic version compared to the original. I did not try to make an exact copy of the song. I took my freedom to make slight changes. For example, Ashaiyen khile dil ki… in the last part of the song. I sung the seconds in the high notes.

Also Anup added an intro of his own to the song. I must say his guitar is the plus point of this song. He played it wonderfully.

Original song credits:

Movie: Iqbal
Music: Salim Sulaiman, Sukhwinder Singh
Singer: Kay Kay. I heard that he (KK — Krishna Kumar) was born in Thrissur. πŸ™‚

Our Version:

Guitar: Anup
Vocals: Jo